Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hello Kitty Love!

Check out this awesome Hello Kitty Mini Quilt done by crazy mom quilts. I absolutely love it! Since we are moving to Japan, I am hoping I can get my hands on some HK fabric without spending a ton of dough. We shall see...

I am also psyched about possibly visiting Harmonyland when we are there. Who wouldn't want to go to a Hello Kitty theme park? Probably my husband but I have already told him that we are going.

Sell This House!!!! Just a rant...

We are moving to Japan in October. So we are attempting to sell our house right now. We have been for more than a month. I think it has been looked at 3 or 4 times. It is a nice house but we are in such a horrible market right now, I think we are going to have to rent it after we move. That won't be the worst thing in the world. The worst thing is trying to keep this house clean. How does anyone keep a house spotlessly clean with a toddler and two dogs???? Impossible, I say. I'm sure someone else is able to do it but not me. Of course, I'm a natural slob so that doesn't help but even with a lot of effort, it isn't working. So each time (haha, not that often obviously) someone calls to look at it, it is a mad dash to clean everything up and get out of the house. I guess I just have to live with it until someone buys this thing or we run out of time and have to rent it.

Monday, July 26, 2010

45 Day Challenge

Hubby and I are in a race to see who can lose more weight in 45 days. I think he will win because he is ultra competitive and I'm not. He is also has some basic form of physical fitness where I do not. He has to run for work and I don't so odds aren't looking so good for me so far. But I will not be deterred. I have needed to lose weight for years and just have not found the motivation. Hopefully these next 45 days will show that I have what it takes...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

First Post...

Very strange. I thought I had a lot to say when I decided to start a blog but now don't have the first clue what to write. Since this is my first post, it will be very short. I'm just setting up my blog and I'm going to link in blogs that I follow. I really do not have any clue what direction this blog is going to take but I will try to stick with it. Hopefully, I will have something to look back on in a year and remember that this wasn't such a bad time for our family.